Does the patient have a rash? Does he have fever? Has he travelled recently? These were some of the questions the medical students from the Paris Cité University had to ask themselves on Thursday 11 January, during a conference on infectious diseases as part of the international European “IDEALITER” project.

IDEALiTER 2024 “Infections in the immunocompromised host” Seminar in Université Paris Cité
© Université Paris Cité
In this IDEAL class, the students had to ask themselves these questions in order to formulate hypotheses about the patient’s problem, and conclude with a common diagnosis. The activity included several case studies where the students had to work in teams to draw their conclusions and then share them to the class. All under the guidance of Drs. Leila Lefevre and Camille Rassmussen,specialized doctor in infectious diseases at Cochin Hospital in Paris.
We cannot forget IDEAL‘s main objectives: organising advanced training sessions on infectious diseases (WP2), disseminating innovative teaching in Europe (WP3), and organising “summer camps” based on public health content (WP4). All of this has been managed by the Université Paris Cité (WP1), in collaboration with prestigious European educational institutions from Italy, Belgium, Greece and Germany.
In this case, during this practical course on infectious diseases, many of the skills needed by tomorrow’s doctors were highlighted: teamwork, anticipating events, ability to debate different points of view and, above all, a passion for medicine and teaching. Moreover, it is even more rewarding to apply these skills in an international, intercultural and multigenerational environment, with the aim of having a common protocol for action on infectious diseases, regardless of European borders.
Next IDEAL sessions at Université Paris Cité will be taken place on Wednesdays, 17th, 24th, 31st and February, 7th. Then, it will be to the other universities of the programme to implement their 2024 students sessions (all dates are available in the agenda of the website).

IDEALiTER 2024 “Infections in the immunocompromised host” Seminar in Université Paris Cité
© Université Paris Cité
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