On November, 24th and 25th, 2023, Cochin Hospital welcomed the IDEALiTER advanced training session on “Vaccination hesitancy”.


IDEALiTER 2023 “Vaccination Hesitancy” Seminar in Cochin

© Université Paris Cité

Designed by Liem Binh Luong (Université Paris Cité) and Pierre Van Damme (Universiteit Antwerpen), this IDEAL session focused on raising awareness among the DFASM2 (5th year of medecine in France) and young residents about the increasing of people skeptical about vaccination.


How to explain the benefits of vaccination and convince people that vaccination is necessary? This is the whole point of this seminar where students and young health professionals were given keys and clues to deal with this issue. Dealing with reluctant patients, evaluating the benefits and the risks of vaccines, facing a vaccine crisis are as many topics that the seminar talked about.


By means of Q&A, case-based learning and role plays, the teachers of the IDEAL programme delivered a seminar where students and young residents were able to acquire key-facts data and communication skills.

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